Our Origins

Voisé was originally formed in 1990 and then VAT registered in 1994 by Marilyn Voisey, operating as a Sole Trader.

Marilyn who is an artist, sculptor, silversmith/jeweller and creator of beautiful object’s in most media forms saw the laser as a very expensive paintbrush, cutter and super fast tracing tool – the ideal compliment to her creative imagination!

Remember we are talking years ago here, when the word ‘laser’ only meant ‘Star Wars’ to most people, and before all the subsequent ‘me too’ laser engravers that have since popped up!


The first machine purchased was an American LMI laser from the UK agents Laser Techniques.  Alan Cook the M.D. suggested to Marilyn to try the promotional market and to exhibit at Incentive’95 at Olympia London - well the rest is history!


The exhaustive attention to detail and complimentary service plus the exquisite lasering could only result in growth and a need to go limited in 2005.  A change of trade status from Distributor/Supplier to trade supplier in  PROMOTA (BAGDA as it was then) saw the phenomenal growth from 1 engraving machine 2 part time staff to 8 machines and 18 full time staff, plus the enviable ‘top of the tree’ reputation for reliable service and quality in the promotional industry.


During the recent recession growth has ceased and due to the judicious decision two years ago by Marilyn not to replace any staff that left due to natural wastage, the business is still on a strong footing, with no current liabilities and ready to expand to the ninth laser as soon as the market dictates.